Applying for a place in St Monica's
We are so pleased you would like to apply for a place in our school.
CLICK HERE to apply for a place in our Nursery (we admit children from the term after their 3rd birthday)
CLICK HERE to apply for a place in Reception for September (use this form if you are applying after January)
CLICK HERE to apply for a place in any other year group (we call this an in-year transfer usually from other schools or educational establishments)
Please use a separate form for each child if you have more than one child you are applying for.
I am very happy to meet with prospective parents should you wish to know more about the school and the curriculum offered. If you would like to book an appointment to meet with me or have any further questions please contact the school office or use this booking link.
Kindest regards,
Abi Cuthbert (Head Teacher)